- Blowing your nose: It is best to wipe away nasal secretions carefully. After 2 weeks, if you must blow your nose, blow gently through both sides at the same time. Do not pinch your nose, and do not blow just one side at a time.
- Sneezing: If you must sneeze, keep your mouth open, and do not pinch your nose closed.
- Sucking: Do not drink through a straw. Do not smoke.
- Blowing: Do not play a wind instrument. Do not blow up balloons.
- Pushing or lifting: Do not lift or push objects weighing more than 20 pounds.
- Bending over: Keep your head above the level of your heart. Sleep with your head slightly raised.
Slight bleeding from the nose is not uncommon for several days after surgery. Notify the doctor or the surgical assistant if you are unable to take any of your medication as prescribed.
It is likely that you may be advised to take an antibiotic and decongestant as well as your regular pain medication. You must take these medications as prescribed. Do not stop taking them on your own. If you have a problem with any medication, please call us so that we can make an adjustment for you.
Over-the-counter decongestant may be taken.
Antibiotics may be taken as directed. REMEMBER that all forms of oral and administered contraception are to be considered unreliable while you are taking any form of antibiotic.
Afrin nasal spray may be taken for 3 days, but after this, the nasal spray should be stopped.